Reda Al-Danbouki, a human rights activist and executive director of the Women’s Center for Legal Counseling and Awareness, affirmed that it is time to deepen the debate on many issues that are a stumbling block in front of women and prevent them from actively participating in the development of the country, including depriving women of inheritance either due to their ignorance of this or the injustice imposed on them Likewise, some girls leave school at an early age. The right to education for all women is a challenge that must be raised and advocated. Illiterate women are easy prey for all societal ills. The right of women to exercise their options such as participating in public life, getting education, working as a source of income and living in societies free from Violence and discrimination, and attention must be paid to rural women due to the marginalization and deprivation they suffer.
Al-Danbouki added to Al-Dustour that on the occasion of International Women's Day, we pay homage and appreciation to the women of the world, stressing that the parliaments whose seats are occupied by more women enact legislation that is more concerned with social issues such as education, health, motherhood and childhood issues, and combating discrimination.
Al-Danbouki also called on the political leadership to abolish discriminatory laws and activate the provisions of Articles 11 and 53 of the Egyptian Constitution. He also called on Arab producers to discuss women's issues and address them dramatically, as there is clear evidence that women's enjoyment of equality achieves progress for all.