Business Meeting

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Meeting for Business Agenda
7:00-9:00 p.m.

1. Monthly Meeting Roles
a. Definitions of roles
b. Sharing of personal experiences with specific roles
c. Discernment about who will take which roles for the next period (led by Sandra)

2. June 2nd Transitions Sunday and potluck – planning (who will do this?)

3. Northern Spirit Radio – requested role of our Monthly Meeting

4. Transitions Town – Denise

5. Another threshing session?

6. First Day School report

7. Treasury Report

8. Next Meeting for Business date and time

Event type: 


Join Us!

Eau Claire Quakers are currently holding "hybrid" meetings, both in person at their rooms at First Presbyterian Church, 2112 Rudolph Rd, Eau Claire, and virtually on Zoom. Contact us at or call us at (715) 491-0783

Sunday Meeting for Worship
9:45 am - pre-worship enrichment 15 minutes before Meeting for Worship
10:00 - 11:00 am - Meeting for Worship
11:00 am - visiting/sharing

We acknowledge that we live on the sacred and ancestral land of the Ojibwe Nation, and that Wisconsin is home to many Native peoples, including the Menomonie, Ho-Chunk, Potawatome, Oneida, Dakota and others.