What led two women from the USA to found a Methodist-Quaker monastery in Honduras, trading North American comfort for a life of simplicity and service in a challenging setting?
On Wednesday, September 19th, the founders of Amigas del Señor will speak about their work and life in Limón, Colón, Honduras, both in the convent they formed in 2006, and in the community, including in the local public health clinic where they volunteer.
Sister Confianza (aka Prairie Cutting) and Sister Alegría (aka Dr. Beth Blodgett) live a contemplative lifestyle in the foothills on the North Coast of Honduras, rooted in Methodist, Quaker, and Western monastic traditions. Further info on the sisters and the convent can be found at amigasdelsenor.weebly.com
The Amigas del Señor sisters will be speaking at the Eau Claire Friends Meeting room within Grace Lutheran Church, 202 W Grand Ave, Eau Claire. Enter by the north door at the end of the parking lot on Oxford Ave. The event will begin with a potluck meal 5:30-6:30 pm in the Memorial Assembly room, followed by a presentation, including slideshow and Q & A, 6:30-7:30 pm, and a traditional Quaker-style worship circle, 7:30-8 pm, in the Quaker meeting room.
Call Mark Helpsmeet at 715-491-0783 for more info.