Purchase your tickets to attend the Carrie Newcomer concert, Saturday, November 6th, 6:30 pm! Tickets will be $25.00 in advance or $30.00 on the day of the concert, with no more than 300 tickets available.
Click here to buy tickets. Tickets are also available from individuals - call 715-491-0783 or email Mark Helpsmeet for more info or to connect with individual ticket sales.
Masking is required, as is COVID vaccination or proof of negative test.
If you'd like to listen to a small sampling of Carrie's music, watch this video on YouTube.
Full Detail:
Music is said to be the universal language. Music touches the heart and soul in ways that words cannot. Music can transcend barriers to bring people together in community, to connect around shared values, to meet on common ground, and inspire us to action as we live out these values.
For this purpose, members of Eau Claire Friends Meeting, Grace Lutheran Church, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, First Presbyterian Church, and JONAH are sponsoring a concert by Carrie Newcomer on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 6:30 pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 202 W Grand Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54703. The proceeds will go to support the social justice work of JONAH.
Singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer, with her signature alto voice, dubbed “as rich as Godiva chocolate” by the Austin Statesman, evocative lyrics and lush arrangements fusing classical, folk, and bluegrass influences, calls out the presence of Spirit in the details of our daily lives. She explores the process of unraveling and reweaving the threads of our lives after great disruption, exploring change and transformation with attention to detail and self-compassion. She tells a bigger story of shared human loss, resiliency, spiritual connection, hope and humor. In recent years, Newcomer has emerged as a prominent voice for progressive spirituality, social and environmental justice, as evidenced by appearances on PBS “Religion and Ethics Newsweekly” and “On Being with Krista Tippet” podcast; travel on invitation by the American Embassy as a cultural ambassador to India, resulting in interfaith collaboration; tours of Europe, Africa, Middle East, visiting schools, spiritual communities, and AIDS hospitals; an honorary degree in Music for Social Change by Goshen College; being named by Spirituality and Faith Magazine in the top 10 spiritual leaders and programs in collaboration with noted author Parker Palmer on Healing the Heart of Democracy project and the Growing Edge website and podcast.
Carrie’s background makes her particularly suited to lend her voice in support of the work of JONAH, Joining Our Neighbors, Advancing Hope. JONAH exists to deepen relationships within and among faith communities and partner organizations to empower people in addressing the root causes of social injustice in the greater community. Its stated core values are racial inclusivity; love; reconciliation; living for the future, and environmentalism. JONAH uses grassroots organizing to bring people together for public conversation and empower them for nonpartisan action on local issues, believing that those closest to a problem or issue are the best equipped to address it. Its work is carried out through task forces on affordable housing, criminal justice; child poverty; progressive transit development and accessibilty; dismantling systems that support mass incarceration and excessive supervision of ex-incarcerated people; care of the environment; and immigration issues. JONAH establishes relationships and collaborates with partners in the wider Chippewa Valley community to expand effort for social justice. JONAH relies heavily on individual and congregational donation to do this work.
So, come join with us in an evening of song, led by a great artist who can through her music help us find ways to ground ourselves when the world seems to have gone crazy; find light, help and grace even in the darkest places; claim a new story and let go of the ones that have outgrown any truth or usefulness; unite us as spiritual companions in active hope, inspiring us to action for social justice.
Purchase your tickets online at https://volumeonetickets.org/events/carrie-newcomer-11-6-2021. You may purchase paper tickets if you desire from members of participating faith groups.
For more information, go to:
Thanks to the sponsors and all the individuals who are making this concert possible!