Eau Claire Quakers

Cai Quirk's 2nd pre-worship enrichment on 8/18/2024 with Eau Claire Quakers

Mark Helpsmeet's picture
Cai Quirk PWE 2

Cai Quirk shared a 30-minute pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 11/17/24. Cai is a genderqueer/fluid multi-disciplinary artist who connects gender, mythology, re-story-ation, and nature-based spirituality through photos, poems, stories, and installations. Their photography series and book Transcendence: Queer Restoryation connects themes of spirituality, mythology, and gender diversity as related to global and timeless patterns. You can see more of their work at caiquirk.com.

Watch the video.

Carrie Newcomer Pre-Worship Enrichment on 8/18/2024

Mark Helpsmeet's picture

Watch as Carrie Newcomer shares a 15-minute pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 8/18/2024, sharing 2 songs plus thoughts leading into Meeting for Worship. She shares The Handing Over Time and A Book of Questions. Find more about her at CarrieNewcomer.com 

Mary Ann Percy Pre-worship Enrichment on 5/7/2023

Mark Helpsmeet's picture
Mary Ann Percy Pre-worship Enrichment on 5/7/2023

Mary Ann Percy leads the 15-minute pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 5/7/2023. Mary Ann carries a life-long spiritual concern for Earth and all our relations, and currently serves as an North Pacific Yearly Meeting representative to Quaker Earthcare Witness (QuakerEarthcare.org). She is a trained Joanna Macy facilitator in The Work that Reconnects, a student of Thomas Berry and Robin Wall Kimmerer. Mary Ann offers Earthcare programs for Friends and other diverse groups, and is a member of Bellingham Friends Meeting in Washington State.


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