
Max Carter PWE 12/4/2022 Eau Claire Quakers
Posted on Sunday, December 4, 2022 - 10:18pm
Max Carter leads the 15-minute pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 12/4/2022.
Peterson Toscano Pre-Worship Enrichment 10/22/2022
Posted on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 - 10:46pm
Peterson Toscano  shares the pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 10/22/2022 - watch the video.
Jason Kanz PWE - Letters to the Beloved 10/2/22
Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 10:23am
Jason Kanz pre-worship enrichment shares from his book Letters to the Beloved with Eau Claire Quakers on 10/2/2022. Watch the video on YouTube.
Beverly Ward
Posted on Sunday, July 10, 2022 - 10:00pm
Beverly Ward, Field Secretary for Earthcare of SEYM shares pre-worship enrichment for Eau Claire Quakers on 7/10/22 with a piece from Climate Change Theatre Action.
Lloyd Lee Wilson
Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 12:16am
Lloyd Lee Wilson was our guest and presenter for pre-worship enrichment on 4/24/22.
Dwight Wilson
Posted on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 3:18am
On 10/10/2021 pre-worship enrichment was shared by Dwight Wilson, drawn from his book, Modern Psalms of Solace and Resistance...
Carrie Newcomer
Posted on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 11:08pm
Purchase your tickets to attend the Carrie Newcomer concert, Saturday, November 6th, 6:30 pm! Tickets will be $25.00 in advance or $30.00 on the day of the concert, with no more than 300 tickets available.
Our friend, Reda Eldanbouki, Advocating on International Women's Day
Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 8:21am
Reda Al-Danbouki, a human rights activist and executive director of the Women’s Center for Legal Counseling and Awareness, affirmed that it is time to deepen the debate on many issues that are a stumbling block in front...
Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 12:02pm
Worship & Meditation
Posted on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 4:35pm
Unprogrammed Quaker worship is easy to mistake for meditation—an hour of silence where everyone has their
Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - 1:53pm
Vision for Meeting purpose/work/mission For what purpose does our Meeting exist? What is Spirit leading us to be and become?
Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - 1:42pm
Our Meeting is now faced with finding a new location for our worship and work.
Posted on Sunday, March 1, 2015 - 2:38pm
Posted on Friday, November 21, 2014 - 10:56am
Going to Quaker Meeting for Worship for the first time? Here is what you should expect.
view of river
Posted on Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 6:56am
Let go of time and center in the silence
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